Background images in CSS may not work due to various reasons. One possible cause is an incorrect file path specified in the CSS code. Make sure that the path to the image file is accurate and accessible. Another reason could be an incorrect property value or syntax used for the background image declaration. Check that you are using the correct CSS syntax and valid property values for the background image. Additionally, issues may arise if the image file itself is corrupted, in the wrong format, or not compatible with the browser being used. Ensure that the image file is in a supported format and is not damaged. Lastly, make sure that the element to which the background image is applied has sufficient dimensions or content for the image to be visible. Check the dimensions and content of the element to ensure that the background image is not being hidden or obscured.
How to fix background-image not working - HTML / CSS
html image issues
Если не работает background image и Не отображается фон страницы css Visual Studio Code
Почему не работает background-image и Не отображается фон страницы, Видео курс по CSS, Урок 25
Change Background Image Continuosly [ Pure CSS ]
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Почему не работает background-image и Не отображается фон страницы #Shorts
#17 كورس CSS - CSS background image شرح