The reasons behind the Mongol invasion of Rus' are multifaceted and complex, with various factors contributing to their decision. Economic motivations, such as control over trade routes and access to valuable resources, played a significant role. Additionally, the Mongols sought to expand their empire and exert their dominance over neighboring territories. Political instability within Rus' and the lack of a united front also made it vulnerable to invasion. While specific details may vary, these are some of the key factors that contributed to the Mongol incursion into Rus'.

История Золотой Орды на пальцах

Монгольское нашествие на Русь (все части) // Маховик Истории

Монголы в Европе (все части) // Маховик Истории

😱 ЗА ЧТО в СССР Были РАССТРЕЛЯНЫ Молодожены ГЕНА и ИННА Калинины

Битва на Калке. Русь и монголы - первый контакт. (история)

татаро-монгольское нашествие на Русь начало 200 летнего ига и правления золотой орды